Blank Form (#3)

Course Features

INR 16500.00 per Semester
4Years(8 Semesters)
HSC / 10+2 in Science / PCM / PCM discipline from Recognized University / Board / Council / University or equivalent
Singhania University

B.Sc. Agriculture through Distance Education or Regular or Part Time mode is a four years with eight semesters proficient four year bachelor degree program. B.Sc. Agriculture includes the investigation of agribusiness sciences and the utilization of current logical hardware and procedures in horticulture, land looking over, soil science, water asset the executives, creature, and poultry the executives, nuts and bolts of biotechnology and so on. The target of the course is to utilize these ideas to prepare understudies to enhance agrarian profitability.
B.Sc. Agriculture program incorporates themes identified with agrarian and partnered sciences utilisation of present day logical instruments apparatus and methods in plant and creature based cultivating frameworks land looking over soil science water asset the executives creature and poultry the board nuts and bolts of biotechnology and so on. In the wake of getting B.Sc. Agriculture in any mode whether it is by Distance Education or Regular mode understudies get to know different features of agribusiness and its related specialisations in the very much prepared research centres just as in genuine condition in related industry and cultivating. The principle point of this B.Sc. Agriculture project is to utilise the previously mentioned ideas to prepare understudies comprehend and enhance agribusiness efficiency oversee forms and items and clear path for future advancements through key and mission situated connected research with a push on development of bio-safe and eco-accommodating high esteem rural generation frameworks.
B.Sc. Agriculture graduates can find jobs in both the public and private sectors. The Gazetted post of Government of India as Agricultural Officer (Agronomist) is one of the most prestigious jobs in the public sector after B.Sc. Agriculture. Agriculture officer, Assistant Plantation Manager, Agricultural Research Scientist, Agriculture Development Officers, Agriculture Technician, Agriculturists, Business Development Executive, Marketing Executive etc. are some of the job profiles associated with the course.