Blank Form (#3)

Course Features

INR 106000 Per Annum
2years(4 Semester)
Graduate in any discipline from Recognized University / Board / Council
Singhania University
Dr. CV Raman University
Jaipur National University

Master of Science in Information Technology or M.Sc.-IT in Distance Education is a two years program on the basis of Graduation in any discipline. While pursuing this course, students will learn how to solve IT issues at workplace, OOP based implementation of algorithms, how to do data management, tree traversal, heaps, dictionaries, depth-first-search, breadth-first-search, and performance analysis of sorting, searching, traversal algorithms, control over of IT functions and projects with the use of latest technology. Software development and networking system are very comprehensive area of learning and they can be understood deeply by doing this course.
To pursue this course successfully, strong analytical skills, critical thinking skills and experimental skills are required. They also have to focus on problem solving abilities, system networking knowledge, use of technology with innovative ideas.